As you operate your real estate business, you renovate properties, find the perfect buyers, and create good housing contracts. In the midst of all these duties, it may seem impossible to find time for lead generation. However, if you neglect this key part of running a business, you will quickly run out of clients. Follow these tips to find leads as efficiently as possible.

Value the Power of the Postal System

Even though you live in the digital era, paper advertising is still powerful. Send postcards or letters to potential leads to let them know about your location and services. These advertisements don’t have to be personalized, and they can go out to a wide market. You can even pay a service to generate hundreds of letters and mail them for you. What matters is that your clients are more likely to read a postcard or letter than they are yet another online ad.

Enlist the Help of Virtual Assistants

For some tasks, you need the personality and critical thinking skills of employees that you know and work with every day. Others can be handled by virtual assistants, people who you contract to work for you through another agency. These assistants help with lead generation by calling potential clients, answering their questions, and adding them to your mailing list. Interview several different agencies to find one that fits your values and style. Then, provide them with a script and let your new virtual assistants handle the rest. Have patience during the first few weeks, since your remote employees have to get used to your company and script.

Look out for Houses for Sale by Owner

As you drive through neighborhoods and watch online listings, look out for houses that are labeled “for sale by owner.” This means that the owner does not have help from a real estate agency. You may be able to get a good deal on the house if you speak to the owner as soon as possible. Depending on how busy you are and how important the client is, have your virtual assistants contact them, or make the call yourself.

It’s easy to get caught up in the details of each contract and forget to look for new clients. After all, lead generation is time-consuming and requires much communication with people you don’t know. Use these tips to maximize your new leads while saving your time for more complex and detailed-oriented tasks.